Code of engineering conduct/practice

Every member is expected in his general conduct to uphold and enhance the honour and dignity of the Engineering profession and the reputation of the Nigeria Society of Engineer and to act always in consonance with that interest. The purpose of the society is clearly stated in the memorandum of association and so therein stated under article 80 of the memorandum is the code of conduct of engineering practice which were highlighted as follows: 

a.  A member shall make available his professional knowledge and experience in accordance with the code as a consultant or adviser, or a salaried employee, or a teacher of Engineering Science, or in design, or manufacture, or construction as a faithful agent trustee of the client, employer, or other people connected with the works.

 b.  A member shall not practice in a dual capacity as a consultant and as a contractor for the same project except with the prior written consent of the client.

 c.  It shall be considered unprofessional and inconsistent with honourable and dignified conduct and contrary to the public interest for any member of the Nigeria Society of Engineer:

i .  To exert undue influence or to offer, solicit or accept compensation for the purpose of affecting negotiations for an engineering engagement.

 ii.  To use the advantages of a salaried position to compete unfairly with another engineer.

iii.  To accept remuneration for services rendered other than from his clients or his employer.

 iv. To attempt to supplant another Engineer in a particular engagement after defining steps have been taken towards his employment.

v.  To review the work of another Engineer for the same client except with the knowledge of such Engineer, unless such Engineer’s engagement on the work which is subject to review has been terminated.

vi. To attempt to injure, falsely or maliciously, the professional reputation, business, or employment position of another Engineer.

d. A member shall no place orders on his own behalf in respect of a project on which he is engaged but shall only do so explicitly on behalf of his client. 

e. A member shall not be the medium of payments made on his client’s behalf unless especially so requested in writing by his client but shall only issue certificate for payments.

The oath: Faith of engineer

The following profession is described as the faith of an engineer which could be regarded as an oath of ethics and conducts of engineer in order to hold the profession into a high esteem.

I am an engineer.  In my profession, I take deep pride, but without vainglory; to it I woe solemn obligations that I am eager to fulfil. I will participate in none but honest enterprises. To him that engaged my services, as employer or client, I will give the utmost of performance and fidelity.

When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good. From special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service to humanity; and I accept the challenge that this implies.

 I will strive to protect the interests and the good name of any engineer that I know to deserve; but will not shrink should duty dictate, from disclosing the truth regarding anyone that, by unscrupulous act has shown himself unworthy of the profession.

 I promise to dedicate myself to the dissemination of engineering knowledge and especially to the instruction of younger members of my profession in all its art and tradition.

To my fellows, I pledge integrity and fair-dealing; tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and the dignity of our profession; with the consciousness, always that our special expertness carries with it the obligation to serve humanity with complete sincerity.

I’m proud to be associated with engineering profession and the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE)  

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