Institutional regulatory bodies for engineering family in Nigeria

Notable among several other regulatory organs setup and funded by Federal government of Nigeria are the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). These organs are responsible for the supervision and coordination of the Universities, the polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Colleges of agriculture and other monotechnic in Nigeria. Federal government of Nigeria through these organs funded all the institutions. 

Minimum academic standards for all academic programmes in Nigerian institutions of learning were set by the NUC and NBTE in collaboration with the various professional bodies. These standards are also regularly reviewed to accommodate new frontiers of knowledge. Regular visitation to ensure adherence to the minimum standard is a major responsibility of these bodies. 

The Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) 

The National Universities Commission (NUC) was established in 1962 as an advisory agency in the Cabinet Office.  However, in 1974, it became a statutory body by decree

No. 1 of 1974 which has been amended at various times as the need arises to enable the commission function effectively under the headship of an Executive Secretary. The main functions of the Commission include: 

i.                    Granting approval for all academic programmes run in Nigerian universities;

ii.                   Granting approval for the establishment of all higher educational institutions offering degree programmes in Nigerian universities;

iii.                Ensure quality assurance of all academic programmes offered in Nigerian universities; and

iv.                Channel for all external support to the Nigerian universities.

National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)

The National Board for Technical Education, headed by an executive secretary, is a principal organ of Federal Ministry of Education (FME) specifically created to handle all aspects of technical and vocational education falling outside university education. It was established by Act No. 9 of 11th January 1977.

In addition to providing standardised minimum guide curricula for technical and vocational education and training (TVET), the board supervises and regulates, through an accreditation process, the programmes offered by technical institutions at secondary and post-secondary levels. It is also involved with the funding of Polytechnics, monotechnic and other specialised development institutions owned by the government of the federation of Nigeria. 

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